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Event: Belgo building season opening at CIRCA with the Rock’oco  exhibition

Time: September 12, 2024, 5:30 pm

Space: CIRCA art actuel, 372 St. Catherine West, Montreal

The season opening for the Belgo building is upon us, featuring a dozen art galleries and new exhibitions, including the new exhibition Rock’oco @circa_art_actuel to which I have contributed a piece conceived for the theme. It includes a mix of decorative floral elements, an eclipse element, and a heavy hexagonal metal frame. This piece provides a preview of a series of interdisciplinary works that I am producing for my next solo show entitled The Great Negation, scheduled for next year.

Rock’oco is a collective effort, achieved under the direction of Émilie Granjon, with super-organized Francesca Penserini behind the scenes.



All images and texts © Frank Mulvey, except where otherwise credited.

Website layout by Nalo Bruce.

Sharing images is permitted (but no remixing, transforming or building upon, and not for commercial use) according to Creative Commons licensing agreement (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

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